for School Year Program 2024-2025
Monthly tuition is based on per student hours per week.
2024-2025 Tuition
30-minute class $60
45-minute class $80
60-minute class $100
CLICK for Full Tuition Schedule
Annual Registration fees of $50.00 apply and are NON-REFUNDABLE.
Tuition is due on the 25th of each month.
In an effort to streamline processes and help you plan/budget for the year, tuition payments will be auto debited from your accounts on the 25th of each month. No bills will be sent; Elizabeth Dance Dimensions uses an automated payment system.
A $35.00 late fee will be charged to your account if tuition is received after the 5th of each month. Students with a delinquent account will not be admitted into class. All account balances that remain unpaid for a period of 90 days past their due date will be sent to collections.
All registered families are required to have a credit card on file.
We accept the following forms of payment: American Express, Visa and MasterCard.
Prorated tuition is available ONLY for initial start date.
Our School Year Program is a 10-month continuous program - September 2024 through June 2025. EDD does not ‘pause’ enrollment. If you drop your dancers between September 2024 through December 2024, you will need to re-enroll if space in class(es) is still available. We accept students from September 2024-January 2025.
Dancers choosing to withdraw/drop out from EDD’s School Year Program between February 25, 2025 and June 20, 2025 will incur a $100.00 penalty/convenience fee. It is disruptive to our program when we are preparing choreography for our Spring Recitals.
We require 30 days advance notice for any student dropping a class and/or withdrawing from the program. Official notification must be sent to in writing to avoid being charged the next month’s tuition. Your initial class registration indicates your acknowledgement and acceptance of this policy.
Tuition is non-transferable and non-refundable.
Make-up classes are not available for weather related closures.
Payments remain the same regardless of attendance, school closures, holidays, etc.
Please contact us at with any tuition related questions.
for School Year Program 2024-2025
We offer one trial class per dancer and can be requested by registering on our website. A $30.00 fee will be charged at time of registration.
for School Year Program 2024-2025
If you will be missing a class, please notify the Elizabeth’s Dance Dimensions office by sending an email to This information will be noted on your account and passed on to your instructor.
Make-up classes are only allowed September 2024 through January 2025. Once we begin preparing for our Spring recital, we are no longer able to offer make-up classes.
Make-up class space is limited and must be scheduled ahead of time with the front desk. You may schedule only two make-up classes per month.
Make-ups must be made in a class at the same level as you are registered.
You must be currently enrolled, and your account must be in good standing and up to date in order to make-up classes.
Elizabeth’s Dance Dimensions does not issue refunds or prorate tuition for missed classes.
Make-up classes are not available for weather related closures.
for School Year Program 2024-2025
EDD follows the Lake Washington School District Closures/Late Starts. Instructor availability due to travel issues is also considered.
Check back here for updates or call 425-947-7088.
Make-up classes are not available for weather related closures.